Chenile - API Model
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Chenile API Model

The Chenile API model defines the messaging constructs within Chenile. Chenile services have flexible signatures that accept a myriad of input parameters and return values. Chenile does not impose any restrictions on a service signature.

Chenile has unified the API signatures for good responses, errors and warnings. Hence the return value for a Chenile service in HTTP and other RPC based protocols has been standardized to a GenericResponse structure that is discussed below


The return value that is exposed by the HTTP transport is defined by a class called GenericResponse. The GenericResponse class is a wrapper over the response that is returned by the service. It is capable of returning the errors and warnings in addition to the response from the service. Selected fields are discussed below with commentary above them.

 	public class GenericResponse{
 		// denotes if the request is a success or failure
 		private boolean success = false;
		private List<ResponseMessage> errors;
		private Object data;
		// renders as JSON string
		private HTTPStatus code;
		// Below fields are from ResponseMessage and will be the same as errors[0] above
		// renders as JSON string
		private int subErrorCode;
		private String field;
		private String description;
		private ErrorType severity;
		private Object[] params;

GenericResponse Fields

Field Values Comments
success true or false Returns true if the request is successful (with or without warnings) false if there are errors. If success is false then data will be null and must be ignored
errors a list of ResponseMessage(s) (discussed below) this gives a list of ResponseMessage objects with each one of them either representing an error or warning
data return value from service or null if success is false This field represents the return value from the service that is called. It can be ignored if success is false
code HTTPStatus code Same as the HTTP status code that is returned by the API. In short, the payload of the response echoes the actual HTTP status code that was returned

ResponseMessage fields in GenericResponse

All the responseMessage fields are a replica of errors[0]. So for example, if there are 2 ResponseMessage object returned in the errors array, then the subErrorCode, description, field etc. at the GenericResponse level will be the same as the subErrorCode, description, field etc. from the first element in the errors array.


The ResponseMessage is a structure that contains more information about errors and warnings. Selected fields are discussed below:

	public class ResponseMessage {
		// renders as JSON string
		private HTTPStatus code;
		// renders as JSON string
		private int subErrorCode;
		private String field;
		private String description;
		private ErrorType severity;
		private Object[] params;

ResponseMessage fields

Field Values Comments
code HTTP status code The HTTP status code that corresponds to this error or warning. Typically in the 4XX and 5XX series
subErrorCode An integer An integer that denotes the correct API error. The ranges are defined by the service
field String Field where the error occurred. This gives more information as to where the error previsely occurred.
description string An internationalized description of the error that actually happened
severity WARN or ERROR This indicates if this is an error or warning message
params array of strings typically This array of strings is used to populate placeholders in the description. Typically, not required from an end user perspective but it can be useful for test automation and validation