Chenile - Customizations
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Service Customizations

Chenile backend treats every request as belonging to a unique trajectory. There is a header that is typically called as “x-chenile-trajectory-id” that denotes the trajectory of a particular request. This can be null if there is no particular trajectory that is applicable i.e. the default implementation is used for this request. Requests to Chenile services can be assigned unique paths based on the trajectory ID. Trajectories need to be computed using custom interceptors. These interceptors can assign a unique trajectory to a request based on considerations such as request origin, user cohorts, country, regions etc.

Chenile backend allows multiple ways to customize a service per trajectory. These are discussed below in the context of a user service that needs to be customized for a trajectory t1 . The user service is exposed at URL Let us say that the user service is fronted by an interface called UserService with a default implementation in class UserServiceImpl. In Spring, the user service impl is instantiated using a bean named userservice

  public class User {...}
  public interface UserService {
    public User getById(String id);
    public User save(User user);

  public class UserServiceImpl implements UserService {
    public User getById(String id){
      // custom code to retrieve user
    public User save(User user){
      // custom code to save the user
  @Bean public UserService userService(){
  	return new UserServiceImpl();

The following strategies are possible and discussed below.

Different End Points

The Strategy

Expose the service using a new end point. We will merely generate it as if it is a new service and expose it using a new URL say, Clients will invoke the new URL. It is also possible to use the same external URL and have a Gateway route to the correct internal URL based on the trajectory t1.

In this implementation, Chenile does not play any role. The client either knows about the new URL or the upstream systems route to the correct internal URL keeping the external URL constant.


  • Simplicity
  • Works with simple use cases.


  • The client or an upstream system such as Gateway needs to know how to compute the trajectory of the request.
  • The client or the upstream system needs to be aware of every implementation of the service for all trajectories and then invoke the correct one. This logic can potentially be scattered across the enterprise.
  • This is not a modular implementation as it requires too much knowledge of all possible implementations. Hence removing an experimental trajectory t1 will require considerable amount of clean up.